Here are some cost estimates for moving a 2 bedroom home from Laconia to other cities in New Hampshire:
Moving ToMilesMoving Estimate
Manchester42$860 - $1090
Nashua61$890 - $1120
Concord26$840 - $1050
Dover43$870 - $1090
Rochester34$850 - $1070
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How much do movers in Laconia charge? The moving cost depends on the size of your home and how far you're moving.

For example, moving a 2 bedroom home to Manchester costs $860 - $1090, to Nashua costs $890 - $1120, to Concord costs $840 - $1050, to Dover costs $870 - $1090, to Rochester costs $850 - $1070, etc.
For an exact price for your move, please request a free quote.
Moving from Laconia to Manchester
Moving from Laconia to Nashua
Moving from Laconia to Concord
Moving from Laconia to Dover
Moving from Laconia to Rochester
Moving from Laconia to Keene
Moving from Laconia to Derry
Moving from Laconia to Portsmouth
Moving from Laconia to Lebanon
Moving from Laconia to Claremont
Moving from Laconia to Somersworth
Moving from Laconia to Londonderry
Moving from Laconia to Durham